How can effectively manage and reduce gas pollution from laser cutting processes?

Laser cutting is a widely used cutting method in current industrial processing, which helps to improve the production efficiency. However, in the process of processing lenses sometimes appear scorched spots or holes, which is gas contamination.
Gas contamination occurs when laser cutting machines use air that is not properly filtered by an air compressor. Dust, oil, moisture and other contaminants can enter the tubing and solenoid valves, eventually contaminating the lens and optical path. Gas contamination not only shortens the life of the lenses, but also affects the accuracy and efficiency of the cut, and in severe cases, damages the optical path and fibre, while wasting more raw materials and time and increasing maintenance costs.
Often the problem is addressed by maintaining air compressor filters, cleaning pipes and solenoid valves, and replacing lenses. However, these methods are reactive and time-consuming. A better way is to install intake filters that can instantly, actively and intelligently monitor and prevent gas contamination.
The intake gas filter device is a device that filters out cutting gas impurities and monitors the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the dust collector. It uses two-stage gas impurity filtering to ensure that even particles as small as 0.01 microns are completely removed (compared to 1 micron for ordinary air compressors). The pressure difference also indicates the cleanliness of the filter element and the purity of the gas. When the pressure difference exceeds the set range, the control system will alert you to replace the filter element or clean the pipeline.
The intake gas filter device has the following advantages:
Real-time cartridge monitoring to ensure gas purity
The device can detect the degree of contamination of the cartridge in time, avoiding the time difference of the traditional way, and ensuring that all the gases of the laser cutting

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